Do you want work experience? Do you need business exposure? Would you like to contribute to micro-businesses managed by disadvantaged population groups?
The programme we want to set up
FINBIT is an EU based company that has already gained substantial traction in 13 countries globally. Its bookkeeping and record keeping system enables micro-businesses to get a better grip on their finances and business decisions. The FINBIT also offers business analytics. This approach has shown to increase women micro-enterprises to become 25 percent[1] more profitable than peers who did not receive the two interventions.
We now want to roll out this approach to micro-businesses in one or several EU countries. We prioritize reaching micro-businesses that are relatively disadvantaged, run by women and/or by young people and/or by migrants or refugees and/or by minority groups.
We need feet on the ground to help us reach out to businesses and support them the first months
We plan to work with a team of 10 to 15 young people who will work as FINBIT coaches. Their role is to approach businesses that are likely to benefit from our approach and explain to them how it will work. The FINBIT coach then supports and coaches those businesses that decide to adopt the FINBIT technology.
What commitment do we need
You need to be available for at least ten hours per week. You need to be part of the programme for at least four months, ideally eight months. You need to have some flexibility and be available at hours that the businesses want to discuss with you, in person or by phone. You will also likely need to take some public transport to reach some of the businesses. You need to have an Android smart phone and be willing to allow some phone space/memory available for the FINBIT application.
What profile we prefer
We would like to work with people who have finished at least some secondary schooling. You are either just starting a vocational/professional training or have a gap year. We expect people ranging in age between 17 and 24.
Good characteristics would be:
- Interested in people and ability to listen and not judge
- Reliable, punctual, working continuously for one or two hours each day
- Team work, willing to share experiences with others, supporting others and give advice
- Perseverance, ability to continue on the job, keep trying, even if someone doesn’t pick up the phone
- Organizing, planning the work ahead, daily reporting
- Signalling problems and communicate clearly to supervisor and ability to solve the problem with advice from the supervisor
What benefits you will get
Get interesting work experience that is useful for a range of career directions
A change to simultaneously learn skills, get knowledge, and receive a certification
Particularly good option to people who are themselves considering starting a business
It could give you useful case studies and learning for studies in social work, business studies, economics, teacher training and working for your municipality.
You will receive a modest stipend.
[1] New York University’s Financial Access Initiative conducted an RCT with six-hundred women retail businesses from May 2022 until August 2023. It found that only keeping books and records with FINBIT did not impact on profit, but combining it with a Business Analytics Statement resulted in the businesses to increase their profit by one-quarter on average.
Click here to apply Deadline for application: 08 March 2024