The Financial literacy training in Kiryandongo started on the 10th August 2020 conducted in different sessions; consisting of about 15 participants in each of the sessions. The first session and the days of the training were scheduled by the participants and they were able to learn about the current and desired financial behaviors and also went ahead learning about budgeting, ways of making a budget and improving it, ways to stay within the budget, ways to cut off spending, agency banking, the dos and don’ts in agency banking, mobile money, investment, risk management diversification and also went through loan cycle. At the end of each training session, the trainers were able to assess the participants with a set of questions to find out if the participants had grasped the points that were taught.
As a result of the pandemic, precautionary measures were thoroughly observed by making sure that the social distancing is critically catered. The first step done is that before participants would enter the venue, they would first wash their hands and the measurement of their temperature is taken, and if found 37.9°C and above, then they are made to relax till their temperature drop, but if it persists, then they are advised to be in a private room for quarantine for some hours, and then they can there be checked again. Participants were also made to sanitize at the entrance and also to put on masks provided by FINCA.
Hence, new approaches are currently being used to conduct trainings in Kiryandongo settlement with distancing; trainings are held out in the open air at 1.5meters distance in between each individual and even group photos can be taken but look different from the past.