L-IFT’s Refugee Finance Project

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L-IFT is very pleased to work for Opportunity International and PHB on a financial diaries project designed to better understand the financial lives of refugees living in Uganda.

Opportunity International aims to improve financial inclusion and relies on L-IFT’s human-centered financial diaries methodology in order to design tools better adapted to refugees’ needs.

During the pandemic, our surveys have helped understand the impact of the lock-down on the economic well-being and the virus threat on emotional well-being of refugees.

Lately, Opportunity International has been using our findings during webinars and in their reports.

This specific collaboration is making L-IFT very proud. For years we have been working on providing MFIs and banks with actionable data and insights and in this project our partners Opportunity International, PHB, OBUL and FINCA are actively using the data and continuously hungry for more information. Each two weeks we prepare special questions for another round of diaries data. All partners actively ask us to investigate aspects of financial inclusion. Some topics we studied lately were about account opening, cash transfer experiences and over-indebtedness. Please have a look at the publications by Opportunity International which made use of the diaries data.


WebinarProviding Financial Services to Refugees under COVID-19

Presentation from a WebinarRefugees in Times of Crisis

Report Refugees and COVID-19–Impact on Income and Employment

Report Refugees and Covid-19: Impact on Food Prices, Consumption, and Distribution 

Report Financial Diaries | The Financial Lives of Refugees in Uganda

Report Insights from Financial Diaries Baseline

Article Finding a Lifeline for the Poor and the Financial Institutions that Serve Them







PHB collaborates with international development agencies, banks, regulators and other impact makers around the world to assess, implement and scale digital interventions. We leverage the expertise of our team to support the design of digital finance ecosystems that can strengthen the resilience of communities in need. To learn more about PHB activities, publications and training, visit www.phbdevelopment.com