Code: G245
This is one of the firms struggling among the assigned firms. Sometimes in a week I visit and don’t get anything to record. According to the firm owner, things began being difficult after the COVID-19 break where he couldn’t meet up with some of his responsibilities, he sold one of his printing machines. Currently, he has 2 employees working for him. Because sometimes they hardly generate income for weeks, he often does not come to the shop frequently and always asks for feedback from his employees which oftentimes it’s always on the negative side. I was supposed to meet with him last week Thursday but he informed me he travelled when I called. So yesterday, I called him in the afternoon to know if he’s back and his response was in the affirmative so I dashed in. He narrated his ordeal to me and this time he was really enraged. When travelling, he asked a few of his friends to monitor his employees. He discovered on his arrival that his employee who manages the business under report even when he generates money and sometimes doesn’t record at all and put the money in his pocket. He realised this when a few clients visited back when he was around. On Friday last week, his manager collected a job of N10, 000 to deliver this week. On his arrival, his manager told them the money generated was N13,000. He was arrested by cops while going to search for material to do the job he collected and N10000 was stolen from him. Imagine struggling to generate N200 sometimes in a week and when it finally comes, your employees decide which one should not be recorded. He was really fed up. Currently, his shop rent is due (N5000) monthly, and his employees are doing this to him. He intends to send the boy away after delivering the job he collected.
Code: NG110
So these are my firms that are into palm kernel oil production have been lamenting bitterly of challenging months all year, especially the rainy season and on visiting above firm on Saturday, respondent was in such sour mood. After waiting patiently she narrated how she had incurred losses of #30,000 on just that day, blaming it on the kind of raw material in the market that week. Of the Norma sludge cake, watery sludge and ground cake used for processing, she could only find the ground cake that has the lowest yield and after all the labour in the smoke, heat and her unhealthy condition, she still incurred #30,000 losses in just one day. She also disclosed that in the last month of September, her total losses was almost #500,000, which had raised her blood pressure to 180/120, triggering severe ulcer and typhoid attack which landed her in hospital. I could barely say anything as I listened with empathy as she kept soliciting assistance in whatever form.
Code: NG 532
So I visited this firm for my regular weekly transactions, I told her I will be asking her a few questions on record-keeping, when I got to the worst month for last year she told me and explained in detail, hoping we are done so I further asked the best month for last year, I noticed this excitement and joy all over her face…she laughed so hard and said really you want to know? she told me her best month and her net income, to cap it all she made a remark that last year things were so tough everywhere especially for business owners but on their own path, the story was different because they made so much profit and they can never forget that year for good.
Code: NG706
This respondent has often complained to me that she is not making a profit in her business that most times she has to put in money from other sources for her business to keep going. She said her only hope is that they say the first two years of business are usually tough. That she officially started jer school in 2018 and so 2020 should have been her second year but owing to covid she is counting this year as her second year and advising herself to hold on that she will soon start enjoying profits from her school.
Today she informed me that she has gotten a new headteacher. That she hired her because she heard the lady is good with influencing parents to bring their children to a school. That she hopes to have her around for a while so she brings in students for her then she will terminate their contract as she can not afford to pay the new headteacher for long.
Code: NG262
Good morning All, so you all recall the story I told us about my respondent that had accommodation issues, that paid to a wrong house agent and was asked to leave within a week, so he finally got another place, though yet to fully pay and the lawyer is yet to give him a refund, he mentioned using a military personnel to follow up with the case, that that’s his resolve.
He had earlier mentioned that he lost 40 pupils since his accommodation issue started, he said that their parents withdrew them from his school. As at yesterday when I visited him, he said a parent and his wife had just withdrawn their 3 children earlier in the day. He said he was devastated and broken.
I just told him to take it easy on himself and pray for better days.
Code: NG484
Yesterday was a bit stressful for me because of the ban on bikes and curfew for tricycles in Kaduna. I had to walk for a long distance in a rush because it was getting dark and I needed to get to my last respondent who was sick last week. I got to her house by 7pm and when I went in I saw her going through her records. She was so excited when she saw me. She said she was not happy she missed last week’s interview because even when I went to visit her in the hospital with the consent of my supervisor she wanted me to interview her in the hospital. I told her no we are more concerned about her well being. She told me how the diary interviews have made her decide to start using softwares to record her transactions because she has noticed that she used to forget about the price of products she sold on credit now she writes everything down. I had to leave very early because of insecurity.
Code: NG274
Yesterday was not my appointment with this firm but he was not around last week when I visited so to wrap up with my record keeping survey I had to fix a meeting with him to conduct the interview. We started the interview on a good note and he responded so well then I asked him one of the questions in English asking if he had plans to improve his record-keeping system. He just gave me a response that was not related to the question which seemed like a confession🤣. Below was our line of conversation-
NG274: If I understand your English well, I want to let you know that when I started paying back the loan I got from ABC bank, I opened a different account where I usually save a certain amount of money after paying back to the bank every month. But I didn’t save that money last month.
Me: How much is this certain amount you save in a separate account? Did you declare this account when we set your firm up on FINBIT?
NG274: He smiled then replied, I am sure you can’t have access to the money if I declare to you🤣🤣
Me: Never, we can’t get to where your money is, I just need to record the information then we both laughed.
Okay, I save the sum of NXYZ into the account every end of the month, so that by the time I am done paying the loan I can fall back on the savings.
Me: Oh that is nice sir, so what is the name of the bank again and how much is the total money there as at today
NG274: I have QRS amount in the account.
Then we got back to the survey questions that culminated in this confession and explained to him in our native language then he responded well till we finished the survey.
Code: NG206
Today I had to leave home very early to meet a respondent who is a lecturer and closes late so sometimes we miss our appointment or do it late in the evening. Today I noticed she went for a workout and I commended her for it. She invited me for the workout and I accepted because I figured that will be the only way I can have our interview in the morning. She was very excited that I accepted to go for the workout and even asked if my colleagues stay close by so they can join. I told her my colleagues don’t stay close. I guess I will be back to shape by the end of the diary survey, lol. Wish me luck.
Code: NG281
So I called this particular respondent to visit him for the weekly financial reports yesterday, he said he was not available, so I just asked him a general question on how business has been before we fixed a reschedule and he started was complaining of poor sales and how bad business has been for him.
He owns a printing firm and also sells cars (occasionally).
He has an issue with income, whenever I ask for his most recent transactions for income, he keeps saying business has not been coming and sales are poor and sometimes he goes weeks without sales. Then when I ask him how he has been coping since the past few weeks, he says this, “Precious, I am a spiritual man” and when I asked him to explain what he had just said, he said, he’s a man of faith that people randomly sends him money and that is how he lives. Oftentimes, it looks like he is hoarding some information because, how else do you explain that he is running his Masters program, he has a car that he maintains and fuels, he has children and a wife he caters for, he has bills to pay like PHCN (Power Holding Company of Nigeria). When I try to probe to get more information, he says “Precious, I am telling you the truth. I know you are doing research and I will like that you get the right information so it can help your research.” When I ask him how his workers cope since he has not paid them for a long while (he said he pays piece rate), because since customers have not been coming and workers have not been working, why are they still with you? e said he allows them freelance.
Code: NG123
Episode 1
Right from when I conducted the intake interview it has been a different experience and like they always say “you learn every day”.This firm was selected recently as I am yet to complete my target firms for SFD. As I got to meet her for the intake, I explained what SFD entails and what is required of their firm, she had even shown interest during census so it wasn’t difficult convincing her as she understands the importance of research. We had completed the intake interview and it was time to sign the consent form, I gave her the two copies which I had photocopied in her firm has they also offer printing/photocopy services. She asked, where is the original copy of the consent form? This is a photocopy and it is not a piece of evidence in the court of law, peradventure something happens and she needs to bring out the original copy a photocopy won’t stand as an evidence I am sorry I can’t sign it. Ahh! Egbami oo, She asked if she is the only one that insists on signing an original printout, I said yes and as a matter of fact, in my previous years of field experience, I have not had any respondent insist on signing an original copy. She said she had worked in a legal firm and she understood the importance of an original copy and that I should relate this information with our team. In conclusion, I went into her business centre to print out an original copy which she gladly signed and kept as her own copy while I took the photocopy as our own copy.
Episode 2
This firm was finally selected to participate in the SFD project and I was excited that I am meeting up with my numbers gradually. Meanwhile, on my previous visit, I had asked when it was a good time to come around for our meeting she said anytime from 4 pm as her students would have closed and been out of the school. As I got to her firm she was less busy and I brought out my phone to register her firm on FINBIT, I reiterated the objectives of SFD and how we will go on to record the firm’s financial transactions on a weekly basis. She was interested judging by her reactions and remarks, I registered her successfully and told her about my next visit which would be to set up the account and record three weeks financial records. We were both looking forward because she asked how long the set-up was going to take and I said about 45mins-1hour as they have quite a number of business assets. Fast forward to the day to set up, I was excited and knew I would spend some time setting up. People of God, I got to the firm and strutted into her office, sat down hoping to set up. Then she shocked me😳 🤣 she said I have discussed this project with my husband and he has some questions which I had asked you the last time.
The questions go thus:
Where is your Physical office in Nigeria?
Can we be sure that our data are safe?
Apart from you, how do we communicate with your organisation?
I don’t know you aside when you come in here and you know the things we hear these days are scary and we wouldn’t want to take chances. We need to be sure we are not exposing ourselves as our business is new. I answered her questions one after the other and asked for her email so we can send her an official letter of introduction and she can get to communicate with the project manager. I promised her that our organisation will send her a mail and she is free to ask any questions to clear her doubt. She promised to communicate my responses with her husband and I should check back the following week. I just got weak when I couldn’t set up her account as I planned and in my heart, I was praying I get a positive response.
Code: NG562
So I visited this my respondent NG562 that is into shoemaking, he said that he is really happy now that he can keep track of his finance and also expenses on like before he never saw the need to do so and this record-keeping made him aware of his daily profit .after my regular weekly transactions, He gave me shoe. After a long decline of the gift, he insisted I told him I will relate the story to the team.
Code: NG826
Respondent keep his record clean and always said that he is glad that he participated in the survey and was eventual choose for this project because with this project he sees clearly how he run is business have a record of is daily transaction it new for him but a good approach when it comes to run is business. After our regular weekly transactions check he gifted my pot.
Good morning all, so I visited my respondent yesterday, the moment he saw me, he just said Precious, I’m not ready for this, my mind is not organized right now, he complained bitterly about the incessant repair of his generator and how he had spent a lot of money on it, that if he puts the money together, he’d be able to get a new phone. He was so furious about the Nigerian government and was placing curses and cussing and the government that they will rot in hell, saying there should not even be a power outage, talk more of using a generator that would get faulty and repaired regularly. Then he asked how L-IFT can help him. I told him we are currently carrying out a survey first, as it’s the gathered data that will help know what the actual challenges in his business are.
Then (maybe unconsciously) he started calculating the cost of repair and total expenses on Sunday, Friday, Thursday, so I asked about Wednesday, when he noticed I was writing down, he said “ah Precious, I’m not ready”, I told him “Sir we’re doing good and almost done”, that was how we were able to gather his last week’s transactions. He just kept cussing and saying it’s the citizens that will eventually shoot those in government.
Code: NG224
This respondent keeps his financial records, when I go, he allows me access to his books (income and expenses are in two separate books). Though respondent talked about how much he would appreciate being assisted financially by L-IFT and or NYU as it will help him upgrade his firm and also help him generate more income. He said thieves have broken through the ceiling into his firm 3 times and made away with most of his work tools and that if he had the money, he has a plan on how they could go about completely stopping thieves from gaining access into his firm.
I encouraged him to just continue with the project and told him it is information like this the survey seeks to capture.
Code NG123: episode 3
Last week was the day to get a response either positive or negative, I remember I was anxious and called her over the phone if her husband gave a go-ahead but she insisted I come to the office that it wasn’t a phone conversation 🤦 I found my way to her office and then she asked some questions which were from her husband 🤣 How safe is our data? I assured her of confidentiality and explained how each firm was coded. Eventually, I got a YES from her. Then I asked if it was a good time to set up the account and she said she needs some time to put their asset all together that I should send her all the details I would need for the account set up so that she can provide them all at once as they have quite a number of asset and it would take us the whole day setting up manually. I promised to send her an excel template with all the details required to set up. She was glad to participate as she mentioned that all the information required from LIFT are the data/system they planned to put in place in their organisation but LIFT is giving them a push to put them all together quickly. I forwarded the template to her as promised and she asked that I give her more time to put them together. I will be meeting her today and I hope she would have compiled the asset and employee list…PATIENCE is indeed a virtue…
Code: NG484
My Tuesdays are usually filled with drama. I went for my interview yesterday and ended up finishing the interview in a hospital. lol. don’t panic I and my respondent are doing OK. When I went for the interview, I noticed the respondent’s grandson who is almost 3 months old was crying for too long and I asked if he was OK, they said he has been like that for 3 days, that he has not excreted for a week. I became worried and asked if they had taken him to the hospital because it is not normal to have a baby that young crying for that long. They said no. So I put a call to a doctor friend who is a paediatrician and he asked we take the baby to the hospital. Mind you that was around past 8 pm. My respondent, myself and her daughter had to go to the hospital since they didn’t know the location of the hospital. While at the hospital the respondent felt bad that I was unable to finish my interview and asked us to continue with the interview while her daughter and grandson get to see the doctor. It was a stressful day but I was glad I was able to help. By the time we got home, the boy was sound asleep. This picture was taken with the consent of the respondent. I got home by past 9 pm last night. The respondent kept thanking me for showing concern. Like always I told her Lift is concerned about your well being before we talk business. 😆 🤣 😂. Tomorrow is my walkout day, pray for me because the trekking I have been doing is more than walking out already.
Code: NG370
One of my respondents is into shoe/bag making, repairs and sales and last week Friday we got talking and in the middle of the conversation, he mentioned franchise that he got someone paid for a franchise of his business three years ago. I was so impressed at hearing such then I asked how he pulled it off. He said the agreement was to set up the brand in a different location entirely not close to his, train their staff for three months and give them support once a week for a whole year. I asked if the franchise is still functional he said YES that they are doing perfectly well…
Code: NG808
Episode one
The firm owner who makes/sell/repair shoes, sandals, bags, wristwatches. On one of my weekly visit, we got talking and he told me a little about the innovations he had put into his business. He had a mobile shop in 2008 that drives around different streets/locations to collect customers shoes/bags/watches for repair or if they want a new one. Sometimes the repair on the go, or they take it to their shop if it is the repair that needs extra attention. They did this for some time and the demand they got on a daily basis were more than supply that they were not meeting up with deliveries. It got to a point that when they drive by some areas, some people will scream behind their vehicle that they don’t keep to their brand promise and they disappoint customers a lot. This was beginning to dent the image of their brand couple with the fact that they had the inadequate manpower to keep up with the mobile shop so they folded up that part of the business.
Code: NG565
Episode one 🤣🤣
There is this firm that was added to my list of firms as I am yet to have my eighteen firms complete. Immediately I saw the firm ID for intake I knew I was in for some double dose of patience and strategy. When I tried to get the manager’s attention for the intake I was asking for replacement of the firm in my personal telegram group stating that the manager is always busy and rescheduling every time I call. Our able FM replied and I quote “that a firm did not respond to your message is not enough reason to call for replacement but with perseverance, everything will work out smoothly” I persevered till I eventually met with her to conduct the intake after which her firm was selected for the SFD… Hey God, I need a triple dose of patience with this firm. I called her to inform her about the progress and she ask that she speak with her boss to get her consent to be registered on FINBIT. As she is the one overseeing the business but she said she always like to carry the owner along. She rescheduled our meeting and ask that I send her a detailed message on Whatsapp explaining what FINBIT is all about and how it will help the SFD research so she can forward it to the firm owner to get her consent. I did what she requested and followed up with her over the phone eventually she got a go-ahead from her boss and ask that I come to her office last week Wednesday.
Episode 2:NG565
On our meeting day last week, she told me to get to her office at 11 am, people of God! I got to the office before her🤣 and waited for some mins before she arrived. I had determined in my mind to register the firm on FINBIT and also do the set up same day cos I understand her schedule already. She asked how long I need to do all of that and I explained what I need to do. This woman is a definition of a multitasker. She just told me she had students waiting to be trained and I should sit down comfortably in her office and enjoy the air-condition🤣 even though it rained earlier. We successfully registered on FINBiT and I sent it to Kaleab to quickly work on her registration and he was quick to respond. Then time to set up, the manager was busy in class, she will come for 5mins, and disappear for another 45mins, this was how I spent the whole day at her firm last week and yet we didn’t finish with the setup, we stopped at the employee list. When it got to the asset she just told me the accountant has more details and she will inform him to send me the details. I still didn’t give up, she left me in her office for some minutes came back and said: Kemi, I thought we have completed the job for today? I said ahh we still need your last 3weeks report🤣🤣 she just explained how they operate the business that they have an external auditor who comes in to compile their records and he will ask him for the last 3 weeks report but I should call her to remind her over the phone. I eventually gave up and told her we will meet this week Wednesday again. I followed up on her as regards the pending setup but guess what? Watch out for the next episode tomorrow 🤣🤣
Thanks for reading…
Code: NG418
So I visited my last respondent for today (who has been very different to reach over the phone due to network issues in Kaduna), after my interview with the respondent, it was time for me to leave and within me, I was like how do I get out of this environment because motorcycles have been banned and getting a Tricycle is really not funny 😐 😒. So when I said to my respondent that I was leaving, then he said let me drop you where you’ll get a taxi at least to relieve you of the stress of trekking a long distance. I was very happy and thanked him for being helpful.😋😋
Code: NG262
So my respondent reached out and said “Nne (as he calls me), hmm, my wife entered a one chance bus this morning on her way to work. Her phone, her jewellery were collected from her, they collected her ATM card and asked her for the pin. She gave them, they drove her to an ATM stand tried it and I guess the network was bad, so it didn’t dispense money, they came back and slapped her, asked her for the correct pin, this time, they drove her to another ATM stand and she insisted that was her pin, they tried again, this time it went through and they drained her account. Her salary that she was recently paid was cleared and I had plans to tell her to withdraw money from it to enable me to run this school for sometime, I am just tired”.
People of God, my jaw dropped and I did a quick mental check with all the sad events that this particular respondent has been facing concurrently in the past few weeks. I almost was not sure of what to say to him, I just told him to take heart and that everything will be fine really soon. He said she had gone to the bank to block her ATM card. Then he said, “all those survey questions you asked me, I hope I won’t be disqualified from continuing in this project for all this information and answers I gave you?” I told him to rest assured that nothing will be used against him.
Code: NG454
I got to my respondent’s place yesterday as it it was our meeting day, he saw me enter the premises but I didn’t see him. I asked around if anyone had seen him and they pointed him to me, he greeted him and ask how he was doing. Immediately he said he wasn’t okay that he had experienced poor sales, that some of his customers reduced the quantity of bread they buy and some are not even willing to stock their shop with his bread. That he has reduced his production as a result of this. He showed me some pieces of bread that were rejected. Despite his mood, he still took his time to grant the interview. He later asked when we will fulfil our promises🤣🤣. I told him to relax that we are on it. Lest i forget, this respondent doesn’t keep daily records of his transactions because he is also involved in the production process and sales of his products and he feels it would be too much of a task documenting records. He has a sales pattern which makes it easy to track his daily transaction for the week.
Code: NG116
I have a firm that is into welding and iron bending. The firm owner used to be in the village but moved to the city.
According to him, things were going well before covid but following after covid, the prices of things have been going up more so in the past 2 months. He said that after costing work and giving the quotation to the customer by the time you go to the market you find that prices have changed from what they were when you did costing so you will now have to complete the money for the materials from the money that should have come to you as workmanship making you earn less from the transaction. This is also the respondent that lost his phone within the last month and has been trying to retrieve his line without much success. He is presently using a new line while he hopes to recover his old line soon amidst the delays from NCC and NIMC
Code: NG324, NG296, NG116
Following the new research questions that have been added, I have been getting reactions from respondents. Some firm owners said the questions were too many and took too much time. One said it looks like we keep adding more questions that he hopes I remember he is a businessman
Code: NG268
This firm is one of the most dedicated firms on my list. He is very meticulous in his record keeping because he studied financial accounting in a higher institution. His firm is a private school, according to him where he rented a building and was running the firm, the landlord gave them quick notice within a short time to leave the building because he wants to renovate it for another purpose. Things became tough so within a short time, they moved into the available space.
We usually meet every Thursday, the last two weeks he was emotionally unstable because his mom was sick and he had sent the wife to go bring the mother to Lagos so she can receive adequate medical care. Last week Thursday we were supposed to meet for the usual business, I called in the morning to remind him of my usual way but he told me to let’s make it in the evening because he was with his mom in the Hospital. Evening came I called he didn’t pick up. On Friday I called again he didn’t pick up. Yesterday I dropped a message for him on WhatsApp asking him about his mother’s health and he replied that she’s not responding to treatment and she has been vomiting. Last night I got a WhatsApp message from him that he lose his mother. A very big burden for his.
Code: NG214
During the census, when I visited this firm, I remember the proprietor addressing the students during dismissal (It’s a private school with nursery, primary and secondary sections). In the month of August, I couldn’t get any financial transactions from them because the firm wasn’t running a summer lesson program where they could generate income. Yesterday he told me as at the last session, he was having a total of 62 students in his schools but now his students are less than 15. Some parents withdrew their children to public schools shortly after the COVID-19. A lot couldn’t pay for the school fees they owed the school. Because of the school numerical strength at the moment, he retrenched some of his staff. Most times I only get to see income recorded for one day in a week.
Code: NG556
I remember telling you about one of my firms who is very meticulous in keeping records even before he became part of us right? I remember also sharing that when I asked him for his worse month in his business he brought a record from 2015. Now, I want to share with you small on he started his business. His 47th birthday was September 3rd. I forgot to attend even though he invited me. He started his business of printing when he was 20 studying Economics at University. He was still working with his Dad and he was placed on salary just like every other staff. His Dad also owns a large printing firm. So he started his business and started collecting jobs from people, using his father’s equipment and paying him while he saves some. He finally got a shop for himself and started advertising his business and distributing flyers on the road. A few years in the business he was struggling to pay his staff and the business folded. He started working with the United Bank of Africa as a marketer and was paid a little below 100k so he started saving money again so he can start his business better. After a few years with the bank, the bank reviewed their performances and decided to sack all of them in the marketing department so he fell back to his business. He started all over again distributing flyers, reduced his price of printing, bought more printing machines. Currently, he has 4 paid employees he pays 50k, 30k, 25k, and 20k monthly.
He said after a few years in his business he told himself he’s not going to work for someone again. Brethren, if you enter his office, you would want to spend more time there especially when it’s sunny 😂😂 AC top notch. Background music and the man is down to earth with his employees.
Code: NG442
*Brief history about NG 442*
The firm owner is a sonographer by profession but he runs a medical laboratory where he carries out laboratory tests, ECG, X-ray and ultrasound. He started the business 5 months ago. The laboratory was franchised to him. He got the link through a friend and he decided to take it up. All types of equipment were already available at the laboratory when he took over. He had an agreement with the owner to pay a particular amount monthly for using the name/registration and the pieces of equipment. He employed 3 staff when he started (a medical laboratory scientist, front desk officer and a marketer). He, however, complained that some of the equipments are outdated which is one of the reasons they are not doing so well as expected. He also said they do not have the capacity to run some chemistry tests at the firm so he partnered with another lab(They collect samples from customers and run the test at another lab). They also pay consultants to help them interpret their radiology tests. He is presently working towards getting modern types of equipment that he feels will increase patronage.
*Recent occurrences*
The firm was burgled last week and the robbers stole the firm’s laptop
Secondly, his marketer resigned because he got a better offer elsewhere. He got another marketer with an increased salary payment. The marketer didn’t start with them at the beginning of the month but the firm owner decided to pay him his full salary when he was paying others. He felt really pained that the new marketer stopped coming to work as soon as he got his salary even though the month had not ended and he also didn’t give them any prior notice.
Right now, he just employed another marketer who has just spent a week. He hopes the new employee would be more reliable.
Thirdly, he recently increased the salary of his laboratory scientist and marketer due to the economic situation of the country
Code: NG730
Today I visited one of my respondents who has been very accurate and detailed with her record-keeping. Upon getting there I noticed she was not like her normal self and looked very unhappy. Upon inquiring she told me robbers attacked her shop last night and carted away all 4 of her sewing machines both electrical and manual. She said she came to work today and met her shop wide open and all her machines gone except for the weaving machine which must have been too heavy for them to carry. She said she had to call her employees to bring their personal machine to work today and that’s what they used. That she doesn’t know where to start in this Christmas season that is at the corner.
Code: NG158
This respondent said he has not been feeling well for the past 2 days and has been managing his health. He told me his employee who recently started working with them this October was duped. She sold eggs and indomie worth 203,000 to a walk-in customer who paid her and left. Later when our respondent came in, he discovered that the money paid was counterfeit. By then they had already made away with his goods. The respondent lamented that he is suffering such loss at a time when his business I already not doing very well.
Code: NG670
So last night, when I had retired to bed, my phone rang, it was one of my respondents, I wasn’t sure what it could have been, I picked her call anyway and after we had exchanged pleasantries, she said she got a call from Google map and she was asked to confirm her new location (🤨🤨) and she wanted to be sure that L-IFT had nothing to do with it. Sidenote; Before yesterday, she had told me she relocated to her current location not so long ago. So I told her that it was very possible that Google was trying to update her visibility to her customers and carry her customers and prospective customers along and it had nothing to do with L-IFT.
I was waiting for the next question when she said “okay, I just wanted to confirm from you.